Sunday, December 31, 2006
It's a Recessive Trait
"That's how I feel about polar fleece."
"Yeah. It's crawly-creepy."
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Then Angelina and Brad Made Me Feel a Little Worse About Myself. Again.
My question is how Pluto made the list of "Fired in '06" and Spinach made the "2006 Hall of Shame". The Hall of Shame had six things on it. People isn't so classy. You'd think they'd have more people and less vegetables.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Pseudo Sleep, Pseudo Trip, Pseudo Cure.
I prefer to not be carded when I buy Sudafed, because making sure I am a licenced 18 year old with itchy eyes, scratchy throat, runny nose, and a number of other symptoms seem to drastically change my attitude and therefore appearance. But hey.
My message to the, I'm sure huge, population of meth-user-blog-readers? Don't do meth, because when you wake up from a Nyquil sleep, you will feel just like you've awaken from a long, hard night.
And your nose will still run like Kenyans in the Olympics.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
And She Rocked the Rental Shoes and 8 lb Ball
Bowling Champ
Originally uploaded by BananaLoaf.
Christmas was filled with family, singing, filler conversation, chocolate oranges and excitement followed by exhaustion. All of that sentimental crap*. Let's get down to the real stuff. The cousins that we bowl with every year on Christmas day found out about the blog in a lapse of judgement caused by exhaustion and tending to Father for 4 days in the hospital a few weeks back. Tired people do stupid things. Bill, if you're reading this, you're still King Pin in my book. Red team forever. Pound it.
Anyways, they had us for Christmas this year and got each family member a personalized bowling shirt, complete with nicknames like Twisted Sister (The bowler, not the 80s rock group. Disappointment, I know.) and Striker embroidered like real professionals.
Mine? Mine?
Banana Loaf.
I intended on a photo montage, but the digital cam went AWOL and so I spent a solid 1/2 an hour on this .bmp art. Beauty.
And yes, it does look as boxy on me as this paint masterpiece displays it.
*Filler conversation is absolutely sentimental crap.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Take THAT Rig Veda
I do not mind losing.
Somebody has to be the worst at everything, and I am the best worst at sports. This is okay. I played Thunder* the other day, and did not score a single basket. Not even one. I got out every time, and people simply shrugged, wondering why I was playing in the first place, and why I'm not morbidly obese due to such minimal physical activity. I enjoy a good walk, and now, yoga. I went to a "primary" course last night. Wouldn't you guess that primary would be the easiest? Oops. It's not. But hey. I'll learn the chants, find my Ujjayi breath, and maybe some day I'll be able to do a perpendicular headstand for 2 minutes like that one lady.
Point. Point. Searching for the poooinntt.
Oh, yes. My point is that usually, it's most natural for me to go back to the basics if I've over stepped my skill. Or better yet, pre-basics. But I plan on staying in this primary class. I will not reverse this. I made it through one class minimally returning to child's pose while those around me bent in ways I didn't think possible, and only sometimes mixed up my right and left appendages.
I will do physical activity.
And I will like it.
*Like Lightening in basketball, but you get back in.
Monday, December 18, 2006
I'm Dreaming of Diminishing Non-Renewable Resources...
Nobody should have to walk this limbo. Unless you are at a Hawaiian-themed party. Which might double as a Baby Jesus birthing party also. Is Al Gore a Christian? Or does he practice self-worship? Either way, he and his high-upper friends should write a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth detailing their plans to re-create the atmosphere of planet Earth. That would be a hit for everybody. Then they could tax us all, and print more money when they run out.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Gary Likes: The Zoo
Gary Likes: The Zoo
Originally uploaded by BananaLoaf.
Would you believe me if I told you that one of the 1st graders I work with drew this?
The first* documented episode of The Adventures of Gary the Gummy Bear uploaded here.
*See: Rough, Crappy, Blurry.
Monday, December 11, 2006
The Wiggles' Version of Octopus's Garden: Equally Disturbing
Me: It's a band that I like a lot, I went to the concert a few months ago.
Mark: Oh. Like The Beatles?
Me: Um, well, sort of, but The Beatles are not The Beatles anymore...they're 50% dead.
Mark: Oh.
Amara (age 7): Ears perk the way a dog's do when you say the w-word. Did you say The Wiggles?!
Me: Oh, no The Beatles.
Amara: Disappointment, like when you were talking about w-o-k, not w-a-l-k. Oh. Well you know, the yellow Wiggle had to stop being a Wiggle.
Me: Oh, really?
Amara: Yep. He wasn't feeling good. He got sick.
Me: Huh. Interesting.
Amara: Satisfaction, pure satisfaction.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Hit or Miss
TG: Oh Tim says that all the time.
Innocent Bystander: Who's Tim?
M: That's her pet name for me.
TG: Yep. And She calls me Richard Parker.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Insecure with a Swimming Unit in Gym Class
"What'd you go as?"
"A spy."
"Yeah, middle school is rough on everybody."
Friday, December 01, 2006
Hey, You!
You seem to know things.
Why does brie have that totally nasty skin?
If you don't have the real answer, made up responses are welcome.
A prize to the one I like best.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
F*$@ You Lucy, Bag and Bug Do Not Rhyme!
What about when one of them finds the word "fock" and asks if it's a word?
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Building Buildings, Peeling Paper
Meanwhile, the Galleria started to build a parking ramp at about the same time I tore down the first wallpaper strip. I drove by the Galleria the other day, and people were parking in the 6 story garage while my bathroom walls are still bare.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Among Other Reasons Why We Did Not Form a Famly Band and Tour the Countryside
With commitment that is.
They have girlfriends which I don't really count as official until I've met them, and properly assessed who they are around their new counterparts. Thus far, I approve. They are both shy and brunette and both have the ability to make the brothers lose sight of what's really going on.
And Sister is pregnant.
With child.
And another round of commitment, also I suppose.
She and I share the general fear of being outnumbered by children, for her it's her own kin, but I don't really hold that boundary.
I advised her that if she was going for three, it's ludicrous to stop there.
Because after all, the perfect child is child IV.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thanks to the pilgrims, we are forced at least once a year, to gather with the people who we would love to strangle if given the chance to make it look like an accident.
But, alas, we go. Because there is food. And pie. And we sit around and poke a dead bird, cooking it for an hour for every four pounds (not the vice versa that I suggested at the feast), eat can-shaped berries, and in my case, are forced to eat a rutabaga to see if this is the year I will like them.
And I will not.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Cranking Up the Hearing Aids
I also got my AARP card in the mail today right after I got the x-ray results which reveal that my hips aren't actually those of a 78 year old woman, but likely just feel like they are because I have bursitis. Which rarely occurs in people under 40 and is the result of high-risk activities such as raking, gardening, and carpentry.
After I set Dr. B straight, assuring him that I do not participate in any sports, that my gardening career has been cut off before it began, and don't jump, dance or generally activate myself often, he brushed it off as a form of arthritis, or inflammation of the bursa.
I'm thinking about asking for my own copies of the films to bring into Perkins to see if I qualify for the 55+ French Toast breakfast. "Here, look at my pelvis. See? Bursitis. I know, I know. I don't look 78, but believe me, I am totally deserving of the 3 slices at the reduced price. Hey. Would you talk to your grandmother that way?"
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
And then when I accidentally rented the original, British version of the show, The Office?
And then how I punched my fist through the TV at the annoying accents and complete lack of Steve Carell?
Me too.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Okay, Seriously.
What do you say when this happens:
Boy 1: "Hey Ms. T...Is Santa real?"
Boy 2: "No, the real Santa is dead."
Girl: "Santa IS real!!"
6 big eyes stare at me in anticipation.
I search for non-religious-in-a-public-school answer.
Then walk away.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Bigger is Better
Blogger in Beta and I have started to overcome our differences for the greater good. Or, the Blogger team fixed all the coding holes like not being able to comment on non-Beta blogs. Times are better now. And I wasted an hour of this morning playing with templates, fonts, and colors.
The conclusion:
1. Links which have already been clicked on will now be plum. Because plum is in.
2. Bigger fonts are better because (a) I don't have to wear the reading glasses to read posts. (b) When I post little posts, it looks like more.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I am a Writer, Writer of Facts
Matt's Calling
Me: Hi...we're...(looks up)
Matt: She's on stage.
Me: She's on stage.
Matt: She's doing a jig.
I paid for a Decemberists concert ticket, but got an unexpected showing of the Superman underpants. Just kidding.
Colin was sick, but in both ways. In the "Colin was so sick last night, he ran off stage before everyone else probably to go throw up in the tour bus before coming back for the encore" way and also in the "Colin rocked so hard last night, it was sick" way.
Also, I made a new best friend and her name is Lisa and she's not actually in the Decemberists, but she can play more instruments than I have fingers and her hair is unbrushed and totally rock and roll and we're best friends.
She maybe just doesn't know it yet.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ruining Childhoods, One Second Grader at a Time
Mrs. N: Yes. This is Emily. Say hi, Emily.
Emily N: Hi.
Me: Hi! I'm glad you're here today.
Emily N: Me too. I don't have success center at my school.
Me: Oh really?
Emily N:Yeah. I came here today just because, and because my mom's the teacher.
Me: Okay, well welcome.
Emily N: Thanks.
Me: So they don't have success center at her school?
Mrs. N: Nope, not until third grade.
Me: Right.
Mrs. N:Yeah, Emily's FOL so we'll be sending her next year.
Me: FOL?
Mrs. N:Foundations of Learning...She needs intervention.
Me: Ohh...(?)
Emily N: Wait, what? I'm going to success center next year?
Mrs. N:Uh....Yes honey.
Emily: WHAT?!
Me: Oh, sorry...
Mrs. N: No, it's just, she just, she struggles, Emily you struggle sometimes, and we work on it at home...
Emily N: I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!
Mrs. N:Oh God. I'm sorry. Emily, its just. She just needs intervention.
Emily: AHHHHH! (Pouts in corner for next 60 minutes)
Me: I'm...sorry.
Mrs. N: No. Its just. She needs intervention with reading. Well it's a long explanation.
Shortly thereafter I told Emily she was adopted, that chocolate was a vegetable, and that Santa was a hoax. Then I killed My Little Pony.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Light at the End of the Blog Tunnel
And then something like this happens:
"I'm sorry guys, I don't speak Guatemalan."
The sun shown through.
And the Blogger formerly known as Lift_Her_Pull_Her blogs once again.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Nature and Nurture Come Together for the First Time
Because buying replacement parts for my phone on eBay is getting expensive, and I've simply run out of time to finish plotting the end of the world.
You know how it is.
I think I'll take up gardening. I understand that, depending on which way you look at it, I'm either six months early, or six months late with this, as carrots don't grow when their home is frozen. I don't blame them. I wouldn't either. But, my blood rushes at the thought of going to a gardening store (Do these exist? Must Google.) and getting my very own mini shovel (also Google: correct gardening equipment terms), veggie seeds, gloves and maybe even a gardening apron.
This brings me back to the childhood days when I used to take up sports and activities for the equipment they came with. (See: Swim caps, hockey gloves, volleyball knee pads, gymnastic leotards, and any sport that requires special shoes or equipment bags.)
I plan on growing various beginner veggies, because I don't really appreciate flowers, although they are aesthetically appealing to some, they are not food. At the end of the growing season, I'll make a dinner with the fruits (Veggies. Can I grow fruit? Google.) of my labor.
For you. You're invited.
Come at your own risk.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
He Went to the Pumpkin Farm with Jesus
True, I don't like Halloween.
True, I don't like squash or foods in the squash family.
True, I love the word squash, it may be playlist-worthy.
And true, I can imagine that this is how Senorita Cosita felt when she came home and it was like Freckles was never there. He's in a better place, my dear. He lived a long, 14 year, beagle life. Too soon? Apologies.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Coming From The Kid Who Made Her Dad Ring The Bell
Normal kids can go out, knock on doors, retrieve various tooth decay, and go home dressed in a normal witch costume.
Minnesota kids are Eskimo Dorthy, Alaskan zombies, and pirates who sail the Arctic Sea. They're mittens can't grab candy from the basket, and their voices criticizing my muffin pumpkin are muffled by scarves and chattering teeth.
Opening and closing the door lets in a rush of frozen air that pisses me off as much as the doorbell angers the dog.
Except I don't bark.
Most of the time.
When I'm old and motherly, I feel like I still won't have the capacity to treat small, frozen, whiny children with the charm my mother does.
"Hiiiii! Ohhhh what a scary witch! You look fantastic! Wow! Oh here, little scarecrow, I love you're hat..Have two Butterfingers! Alright! Everybody have some? Okay! Have a great night kids! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!"
"Hi. Okay. There..One each. Now get your greasy mitts off of our property before I call the cops."
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Success is Measured in Strong Platelettes
I didn't anticipate that my iron would be up from its' last (and rejected) 37%, as I have not had any extra dead cows or leafy greens, and mentally prepared myself for failure once again.
Blood spun.
Iron was measured.
And 40% may as well be 100%.
And then I started to panic.
Blood Guy told me to settle down or my pulse would keep going up and he'd send me away.
Blood Guy sent me to Blood Gal. She told me to relax, that I'd be fine, and that my blood would enjoy its free joy ride on a teeter-totter. I told my legs and chin to cease the shaking because if they were going to send me away, they were going to send me away for a legitimate, chemical reason. Fear would not get me here.
Blood tubes on my right kept my gaze at lovely, calming, friendly faces. Marissa even documented my fright in photos- blood bag and all. All was wellish. Until I saw Senorita Cosita on a bed, covered in blankets. I squeezed harder to force blood into the tubes to go crack a Ron Burgandy joke to make all well in the world for SC.
My time: 5 Min. 2 Sec.
I stood.
I walked.
I comforted.
I buckled.
And we laid sipping Sprite from straws, knowing that for something to go smoothly and without black-outs, for us, is simply too much to ask.
Monday, October 23, 2006
This Is A Personal Attack At Beep
- Recording voicemail greetings
- The urgency of that woman
- The beep-record-pound process. How am I to record a decent song such that I don't have to record my own voice when I'm worried about pound?
- The 25 seconds of talk time my expired battery allots me.
- Chocolate chips in ice cream.
- Beta-blogger
- Suitcases
- Ebay
- Posting codes that don't follow the proper outline format.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Early Childhood Lessons Teach Tough Love And The Real Meaning Behind Infinity
And yes, 0+0 is much bigger than that. How do you explain to a 2-footer that it really is nothing+nothing?
A number line.
That's how.
"Free plus free No. Let me see da white bode. SIX! Six? Six!!" (Waves celebratory digits about)
"Okay. Watch me make da free"
"I'm watching"
"See? Make two bumps. Like dis."
"Oops, that's backwards, try again"
"Oh yeah. I knew dat. [Erasing] Dis eraser is sorta soapy."
"Yes. Dat's why it made that yellow line."
"Yeah. Okay I'm going to draw lollipops."
"Wait, what about the three?"
"Will you put me inside your coat?"
"You're my best friend."
"Do you want red stars for the ones you got right?"
"I love you."
Monday, October 16, 2006
Things That Suck No. 584
In an hour.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
My Chain Hangs Low Like The Floor Of The '84 Cutlass In Dusty Rose
Why GGMA-M's car had B96 as her preset #2.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
This Is The Best Day Of My Life Because I Learned What Apostrophe Does
And you know what?
It wasn't so bad.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Things That Suck No. 253
Lesson learned:
Ignorance is not bliss.
Ignorance keeps features from Muffin.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Because Mittens Don't Reach The Home Row
Thursday, October 05, 2006
How To
Do a 2nd grade math problem wrong.
"6+3+5 isn't 15? Oh yeah. Well, I don't have that many fingers. What's that? Neither do you? Well my shoe size is older than you. Give me your lunch money."
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Benny'd Be Proud
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I'm About To Have A [Panic Attack] If You Don't Give Me Some Personal Space.
-Shaving Cream
-Tommy Hilfiger Cologne
-Corn Cob Litter. We used to put this in my rabbit's litter box. Memories of him are usually more nostalgic and don't make overpriced lemonade rise in my throat.
-B.O. Which I have gotten sort of attached to just calling "bo". I was unsure about this concert in the first place because I feel like everytime I go to concerts, they always play the songs I don't know, and then I'm only 1/2 the fan as the smelly guy next to me. With the catchy beats, the majority of the standing crowd audience had one or both of their arms in the air waving to the beat, and in all the arm-raising-beat-catching, it fanned all the bo directly outward. Before I knew it, it was like standing in a room filled with middle school kids.
Aside from slight claustrophobia invasions, stupid convenience charges*, and the unnecessary three opening acts, it was a success and I knew most of the songs.
*I would call it convenient if someone gave me 10 bucks for no reason too.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
For The Commitment-Fearing, Celebration Is In Order
For our first year, I wrote you an end rhyme poem.
We've outlasted any diary in which I wrote.
Perhaps on our fifth Blogiversary, we'll celebrate on a boat.
I wrote to you on a semi-daily basis,
Much more than anything in my past, at least in most cases.
So Happy Blogiversary, You Know That Sound That Scissors Make,
From my future, you shall not shake.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
He Can Probably Fly Too.
Is a kindergarten teacher.
Volunteers to help second grade math before school every morning.
Does bus duty after early morning math.
Runs the mile with his 4th graders.
Takes the 5th graders to overnight Spanish camp.
And has five boys at home.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I'm On Third
Chunks: "Thanks..OH! I put chocolate chunks in them!"
Chips: "Oh, that's okay.."
Chunks: " don't like chunks? Are you chips? And I'm chunks?"
Chips: "I'm chips."
Chunks: "I'm chunks?"
Chips: "You're chunks."
Chunks: "Crap."
Friday, September 22, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
"I Used To Pick Up Shifts As Santa During Christmastime Because Nobody Told Me Not To, And Because Nobody Checked My Background"
Apparently it was Sucker training also.
The video segments were intermissioned by the training representative who deals with said situations. He profiled himself as the text book child predator, being "large and bearded", exclaiming that he knows how to appropriately interact with children without making them or those around believe he is thinking otherwise. Those tall, bearded, or both in the audience were warned.
I learned several things at this particular session. 1) Don't touch kids. 2)Maturity level is not measured in years.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Reasons To Buy Second Hand
2. Shirts with Jello molds on them
That's all.
Monday, September 11, 2006
To Avoid Any Confusion, This Is The Refrigerator
1. Decorating the CDs which now back up my entire music collection and fitting artists to specific colors.
2. Making bubble map of the people I know, matching friends to specific colors.
3. Coming up with various different names for each color, and logging them.
4. Practicing adding a tail to my u's.
5. Experimenting different ways to write my "&" symbol.
6. Labeling things
7. Coloring, designing my new walls
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Yougoogalee And Other Zoolander Tales
Some things I learned about GGMA-M (It caught on at the end there...) that are not likely to be repeated in my own eulogy:
-She made Chex Mix years before they came out with it, and years before you could patent recipes. She called it "Party Mix".
-Marion never had a hair out of place.
-She kept everything. Including newspapers from almost everyday.
-She was stylish, sophisticated, and a fabulous cook.
I think I'd actually be fairly accurate in saying that they could 180 GGMA-M's life and call it mine. That'll save someone some time somewhere along the line.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Doctor's Orders
Change the common slang of "F-Bomb" to "Effenheimer". Thanks for showing that one to the world, Poppa.
Catch up on this past Oscars' nominees:
-Brokeback Mountain:: I knew Heath Ledger was bound for greatness after 10 Things I Hate About You. I expected less sadness, but still, greatness.
-Capote::Amazing. Probably not designed to learn more about myself. Hm.
-Elizabethtown:: It's amazing that this can hold the same concept as one of my more favorite books (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Read it. Love it.) about finding more about your father because you didn't while he was alive, yet the cinema piece can be such an ENORMOUS LOAD OF CRAP! Shame on you Orlando and Kirsten. Shame on you both.
-The Producers:: Bueller...Bueller...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
They Take Me Wisdom
1. Ice is cold.
2. Blood tastes bad.
3. Two vicodin are better than one
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Keeping Rosie Busy
Friday, August 25, 2006
Maybe I Had To Look Up The Planet List For This Post, Maybe I Didn't
Do you like that?
Like butt.
Butt's funny.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Discomfort, Defined.
1. I survived camping enough to get in the car to go home and drop my lifeless phone into a cup of water. Turns out they don't warranty for clumsiness.
2. I got to the cabin just in time to babysit* a 3 year old cousin. To say the least, taking care of small children is not exactly* my forte, and falls just under my ability to tame elephants or time travel. I killed her sunfish that she caught and witnessed her first eulogy as she threw Sunfish back in the lake "so that for the bigger fish can eat him." She thanked him for being a good fish and for being our pet in the blue bucket which was left in the sun. Next to Wormy.
3. A man driving the Naked juice truck around town without his shirt on.
4. Getting pictures taken.
5. This post.
*Suggested words of spell check:
Babysit: Babysat, Pabst
Exaclty: ejaculate, ejaculates, ejaculated, ejaculating, ejaculation, ejaculations
Friday, August 18, 2006
[Insert Sentence Fragment Here]
Apparently, I "agreed" to go camping. This weekend. In the rain. In Ely where a town nearby suffered from 40 degree nights not so many nights ago. In August. The site is one which has slipped under the state park radar (translates: not an actual camp site) and has no "fire pit" or "open ground for tents". It's an island with no "bear control". And bears, apparently, can swim. Who knew? Not this one when she agreed.
When I freeze to death-
When I get mauled by a bear-
When my frozen carcass is eaten by Smoky the fire-preventing bear, please donate my remains to Body Worlds. At least when I go, I'll feel as though I'm part of some sort of elite club.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Major In Royalty, Minor in Communications
Dear People of the World,
Stop leaving.
It is no longer allowed here, as I, your queen, hate the good bye.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Queen Muffin
Sunday, August 13, 2006
For Lack Of Blog-Worthy Experiences, Immaturities Exposed Here
"Oh we brought Poppycock."
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
"I'm Telling You She Doesn't Like Cantaloupe! If She Says She Does I'll Run Naked Around Your Property." -Uncle Mr. O
"Why are you bothering to get that kid a fishing license?"
"Because my kid drinks and smokes pot and if he's gunna go fishing, he's gunna catch a fuckin' legal fish."
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Baby Book-Less AND Advice-Less! Youngest Child Treated Better Now Than Ever!
"What are you doing?"
"Putting on my skis"
"They're on the wrong feet."
"You ski just like Steven and I and I'm telling you, you're supposed to be dropping your right ski."
"Fine. I try."
She skis. She drops. She slaloms. She flushes time down the pooper. Crap.
*See: not funny.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Why I've Started Carrying Around A Full Sized Notebook
"Good. I like Mary Kate better anyways."
"Yes! She has problems. That's quirky. It makes her more real."
"She's like, 'I'm not above everyone. I do crack. And that's fine.'"
"The other one's boring!! No problems! That's not real!"
"Didn't she go to college?"
Time Passes Here.
"Okay I have a confession to make. Sometimes I'm only funny so that I can be on your blog."
"I know."
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
And They Didn't Even Have Brakes
-You know where you are.
-It's not 10 pm.
-It's not a lightning storm with rain on the way.
-Your destination doesn't appear to be in some sort of alternate galaxy abyss not known to mankind.
-You don't break down on the phone with a very understanding, direction-wise friend.
-The mercury is not above the 100 degree level and you're only wearing jeans because you could only find wrist guards and not knee pads.
-By the time you get to where you're going you can't even eat the chocolate cake that just came out of the oven.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Just Like An Eagle Scout
Friday, July 28, 2006
Trendy iClothes and Choppy iHaircut Included
On a completely unrelated note, when making a new bookmark for this page, I accidentally saved at A deadly in-an-ironic-sort-of-way mistake.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I Live A Good Life Because In Hell, I Am Forced To Host Parties
Old people who said, "I didn't even recognize you! I haven't seen you since...Oh Lordy! I can't even...": 4
Times I hid from people: 6
Stress-related meltdowns: 1
Crock-Pots: 7
Crock-Pots with uncooked beans which were still served and eaten: 1
Times someone asked if the stress-rash was sunburn: 2
Cousins I have who I can't remember if her name is Emily or Ellie: 1
Times I heard this conversation from a 6, 9, and 10 year old sibling set:
6: I'm a jedi master.
9: My name is Carly.
10: What animal do I look like?
6: A giant eyeball.
10: A lemur? Say lemur!
6: I look like a jedi master.
9: You look like an eyeball.
Enough to make my head pound.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Bob's Zit
Once upon a time there was a guy. But this was no ordinary guy, this was Bob. Bob would go through many difficulties and greaticulties. This was a difficulty.
One day as Bob got out of the shower and went in to his room, he went over to the radio and turned it on. To Bob's surprise, the radio burst into song singing, "Cheddar, get down baby, cheddar!" It was Bob's favorite band, The Moldy Cheese singing his favorite song, "Cheddar". Bob was so thrilled he decided to dress to the tune. As Bob unraveled his teddy towel, he got out his special edition under-dog undies and began to up them on in front of his mirror, when all of the sudden, Bob felt as though he was in a horror movie. He noticed an incredibly large, cherry-red bump on the left side of his butt. Bob did not understand. He has always taken such good care of his beloved butt. Bob needed advice, and fast. He called for his pet chameleon, Fred. Fred came loafing (!) into the room, saw Bob's butt, and loafed out.
Bob sat down in his lazy boy chair and began to cry. Bob cried and cried for about ten minutes until his brain worked up a plan. He would call his friend Tutti. He picked up the phone and dialed. As the phone rang, bob tried to sniffle away all his tears and the mucus that had gathered in the back of his throat. Someone picked up the ringing phone and Bob started sobbing. Bob finally finished with "And I need your help!" He waited for an answer from who he thought was Tutti. "You must want Tutti." said the voice. Bob felt so embarrassed he wanted to cry all over again.
*I've always loved writing, but grew up with little writing endurance. I started many a story, but never finished, as exemplified here.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
This is how I will catch you up on my absent, non-blogging behaviors.
1. A bug the size of a small finger has been added to the list of things Colleen has eaten recently (along with a Mancala bead, an olive pit, and a carnation).
2. Blister fluid was added to my face for a period of time. The blister was not my own and apparently squeezing and popping is not an affective way to drain lest you wish it's juice in your eyes.
3. A new friendship bracelet. While others weaved thirty strings together in elaborate patterns, I tied a piece of green floss around my wrist. I'm a simplest.
4. More freckles, which, after extensive research, I have concluded are not prevented by sunscreen.
5. An increasing pile of evidence at my anti-outdoors-edness which is nearing the kid who quoted this:
Enters blow up obstacle course. Makes it over hill, through pillars. Gets to top of second hill when he falls, in attempt to get through the tunnel at the end.
"My pants! They're falling off!"
"My pants!!"
Second pair starts race and gets over second hill where Indoor Kid is stuck trying to pull up his pants and cannot get through the tunnel.
"Dude you're still in here?"
"Just give me a second!"
"Come onnnn"
"My pants!"
Rolls out of tunnel.
"I'm kind of an indoor kid.."
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
I Would Give You Context, But Nothing Can Save This
"Wait..I know...of the genitals..?"
"Okay I have a serious question."
"Do girls have genitalia?"
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Nice To Meet You, You're Copper.
1. The friends you've had for years
2. People on the street/strangers
3. You probably are
It's really only a matter of time before the sympathy laugh dies down and they realize they don't have to tell that you're good at DDR. This game was not meant for those with poor balance.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
When I Fall Off The Boat, I Will Float, Perhaps In A Moat.
Truth: I do not own many articles of clothing which are pink.
It's not that I don't like the color. I do. My walls were a high-gloss bubble gum pink until I was 13. But I have been told that I am somewhat of an "anti-pink" when it comes to wearing it. So as my little way of sticking it to the man, should I suddenly fall into a lake, the U.S. coast guard approves my new pink life jacket. It shall float me.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Things I Learned At The Wedding Last Night
2. It's weird when the extended family finds out about the blog. Especially when some aunts begin to yell "Hey! Blog this!!!" as they invent a new dance move.
3. 4 am is not an hour to be awake at.
4. It's a bit oxy-moronic that the best tequila has worms in the bottom.
5. I never want to dance to "My Humps" with my father again.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Things I Thought This Morning, A Drama
Errhmmmm...? Eye slits open
Momma: He's putting in a cable and needs to get into the crawl space in your closet...
(Man enters)
Aghh! I try to figure out if my dream about the friends I dined with last night making fun of my sheets was real as a tall man starts to take my things out of my closet, steps on top of my stack of dirty clothes and puts closet stuffings on top of me. Feelings of violation begin.
Man: Now there might be some dust and insulation and stuff that might come outta here, so just to, uh, you know let you know. He avoids eye contact
Rolls over. Dies.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Anti-P.D.P. (Public Displays of Patriotism)
While having an BBQ dinner with The Family Moodie, Colleen shared my distaste by exclaiming that it "reminded her of 'Nam" and proceeded to take cover under her arms.
What do booming tubes of fire and colors have to do with independence other than that between my hearing and rest of self?
It's 10:30 and I am going to bed.
Happy Freakin' Fourth of July.
Friday, June 30, 2006
"I really like Maggie, but then Sarena sat on me and now they're both mad and I need you to tell me what to do" or Why There Have Been 6 Blank Days
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Link Me Crazy, Juarez 2k6
Two days were spent building a casa, we laid foundation with cement that did not come from a barrel-truck but from piles on the ground that we made from scratch. The other two were spent hosting a kids club for the surrounding area. I was a part of the arts and crafts group, my forte when the other options are songs and outdoor games for Club de Ninos (Cloob day Neen-yos). I came home with Bill my popsicle stick friend and the craft for the 5-7 year olds.
Bill likes not having a mouth, being in his Birthday Suit, and looking like a Vegas show girl.
There was less battery acid this time around, but more bloody noses (Nine of these in three days).
I'd like to thank the following sponsors that made this past week possible:
Kandoo Wipes
The Old Folk Patrons at St. Pats
Kleenex Corp.
Bag Cereal
Artificial Sleep
Mike the Christian bus driver that has seen the grace of God by speeding the whole night.
A man who is from the South but does not like to be called Southern and uses too many adjectives and adverbs to gather content from his words beyond the above.
The "if it's brown, flush it down" policy
Friday, June 16, 2006
I Am Convinced That The Only Reason Wal-Mart Is Successful Is Because They're Open 24 Hours.
I leave for Mexico early Saturday morning to help the good people of Juar Ez but not before driving (Yes, driving. For thirty hours. 3-0.) down with 50 of my closest* friends on a bus which initially looks cool because of the sweet design on the seats and TV's, but ends up being a sweaty mess of disgusting, old air. Tonight I will get little sleep but more than tomorrow night as I rake through my head of everything I need to bring, buy, pack, and not forget.
"What if it rains? Do I need a poncho? No they don't get rain. Wait is it hurricane season? Are we by the ocean down there? Which is the closest ocean? Crap, what ocean is it? Atlantic? No Pacific. I'm sure its Pacific. So I should bring extra shirts then in case mine get dirty and smelly from the hurricane. And probably extra deodorant for all the sweat. I wonder if I have any extra. [Checks] Oh God. I need to go to Target..."
*In spatial proximity. Because of the sweat bus.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Tidal Wave Trends
Monday, June 12, 2006
The Apple Doesn't Fall Too Far From The Tree
Momma: "That's how I feel about tequila sunrises."
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Have You Ever Met Someone Who Thought Their Family Was Completely Normal? Me Neither.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The Lotiony Texture Is Sometimes Nice But Sometimes Feels Used
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Honest Mistake Of A Working Mother Or Why My Middle School Years Were Awkward And Shy
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
And The Awar- Ahem..Calzone Goes To...Larry B!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Re-Facing The Morning After Pill
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Not Just An Alicia Keys Song
Because later, you will loose it.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Preheating Muffin
"The chefs of room 102 present: Our Favorite Recipes"
{1st Grade}
Strawberry Pie
By Jess S.
22 Strawberries
8 cups of sugar
1 1/2 cups of milk
2 eggs
2 pounds of chocolate
Next you smoosh up the strawberries. Then you pour in 3 1/2 cups of flower. Stir all of it in a bowl.
Put it in hte oven at 25 degrees C. Then bake it for 22 minutes. Take it out and enjoy it after it cools.
By Alex W.
10 baby cucumbers
1 1/2 pounds of water
About 5 little white things
First wash the cucumbers in fresh water. Put the cucumbers and 5 little white things in a jar full of fresh water and wait for about 1 month. Taste it. If it does not taste like a pickle put it back and wait for another month. Then it is for sure ready.
Cookie Dough
By: Muffin T.
1 cup flour
1 stick butter
2 eggs
2 tsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. white sugar
1/2 cup baking soda
1 cup milk
First pour the flour and butter into a mixing bowl. Add brown sugar and white sugar. Then add milk and stir until it is all mushy. Then add the eggs and the baking soda. Stir it until it is all mushy. Then eat it!
Extra Cheesy Macaroni
By Christine J.
1000 1/2 cups of cheese
100 cups of butter
100 1/2 cups of sugar
Take a macaroni pan and stir the ingredients all together.
Put them in the oven at 100 degrees for 15 minutes. Take it out and eat it.
Chocolate Bars
By Dan H.
1 cup chocolate
5 nuts
1 cup caramel
Put the nuts in an empty butter holder. Then cover with caramel. Then put choclate all over it. Then put top on the container. Then put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then eat.
Cheese Pizza
By Jacqui S.
1 pack of cheese
1 pack of butter
1 spoonful sauce
1 pound bread
Put the butter and the bread on a pan. And then put the sauce on top of the bread. And then put the cheese on top.
Bake it for 15 minutes at 20 degrees. Take it out of the oven. Then eat it.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
By Shannon M.
2 eggs
2 1/2 pounds flour
2/3 teaspoons milk
Mix eggs in a mixing bowl. Put flour in the mixing bowl. Put milk in the mixing bowl. Mix it up with a blender for 25 minutes.
Cook for 20 minutes at 20 degrees. Put dough in the oven. Put dough on cookie sheet. Then eat it.
Hot Dogs
By Kristen H.
1/2 cup salami
3 cups hot water.
Roll the salami into a fat worm. Put the hot dog and water into a pan. Then put the pan on the stove. Turn on the stove for 10 minutes on medium. Then take it out. Then eat.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
By Peter B.
2 scoops of flour
80 chocolate chips
3 eggs
1 bowl
1 spoon
a whole thing of sprinkles
You put the chocolate chips in the bowl. Then you put in the sprinkles. And then you mix for 1 minutes. When the 1 minute is up, add the eggs and the flour. Then you mix it for 3 minutes with a spoon.
You squish up the dough stuff and put it on the pan thingy. Bake it for 20 minutes at 19 degrees. Eat it.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Measure Of A Man Is In His Spit
Thursday, May 18, 2006
M-i-Crooked Letter-Crooked Letter-i-...
Some anti-highlights (lowlights?):
-First burn of the season. Although I'm pretty sure I could sit near a lamp and get burnt if someone told my skin that it was being exposed to UV rays.
-More freckles. Always more freckles.
-The wilderness leader woman in the back trying to get our boat to sing in rounds.
-The general negativity of our boat.
-A left arm that hurts like crap.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
A Parallel
"Life of Pi?! Its about a guy and a tiger! Its like Calvin and Hobbs! What could be boring about that?" -Alexandra Nicole
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Save It For A Rainy Day
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Episode 2
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Commercial America
Some seriously freaky puppies singing about fleas.
A woman celebrating her spraying salad dressing by throwing lettuce all over herself.
How this mothers day, Mom doesn't just deserve flowers, but a KFC also.
Can I ask you, Colonel, what milestone she's passed this year to deserve arteriosclerosis in a bucket and mega size mashed potatoes?
How braided string tampons make you want to go white water rafting.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Pleeeeaseee, St. Pete!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Episode 1
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Consumer Report
I am a consumer of your Triple Chocolate Premium Mix Brownies, and am quite satisfied with your product. They are both fudgey and "luxuriously rich". As a satisfied customer, I just wanted to put forth a question. What were you thinking when you instructed me to "blend water and oil"? If my mother and 9th grade physics teacher hadn't taught me right, I would still be in the kitchen trying to combine the two.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Success Story
And I am very proud to say that there were no tears shed.
My organs almost came up my esophogus, but not one tear rolled down my cheek.
My locks and trust were in Carol's hand, and I took to calling her Quiet Carol in my head, because she didn't say much except for at one point when I was wondering if she could hear my heart beating when she looked at me and said, "Are you like, freaking out or something?" "Yes."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The Adventures of Gary
Some places gummies stick:
Steven's face
The bay window
The dog
The computer screen
Colleen's dashboard
Colleen's face
This is clearly an action-packed picture book in the making.
Updates and potential pictures to come.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Milking It
Dad: Hey...[chuckle]...'Sup?
Me: It's getting old, Pops, but I'm fine..How're you?
Dad: I'm good...Hey..Where you at?
Me: Wow.
Dad: [Chuckle]
Thursday, April 27, 2006
"My Teeth Hurt From Chattering The Entire Night. Thank You Jesus, For Sleep Aid." -8/21/05
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Learning Opportunities: 4/26/06
Nor do they have insulated freezer bags to keep them frosty.
You should always think twice before going into Taco Bell after an ambulance pulls out. Then continue on in.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
To The Cynic, Half Empty.
*Notice the link? Courtesy of Sri, Linking Guru.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Fruit on the Bottom Yogurt?
The white part of oranges?
When you're the first to use the ketchup and you get the ketchup juice?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
This Is My Demographic; "Likes Muffins, Low Plot Capacity When The Title Is About Muffins, Can't Spell, Guinea Pigs Die."
By Claus Mandøe
Based on a children's book by Ulf Nilsson
Created and performed by Teater Refleksion of Denmark
Directed by Bjarne Sandborg
On the Cargill Stage
February 13 - March 11, 2007
Most enjoyed by ages 2-5
Mr. Muffin's not just a guinea pig. He's a good friend, loving husband, doting dad. But now he lives by himself in his little house. Though he gets visitors and mail. He loves getting mail. And he's an absolute nut for almonds. Such amusing adventures he's had. You'll see. Like the time he and his family dared go outside. Or when he set the world record for lifting a cucumber. Those were the days, Mr. Muffin reminisces. Mr. Muffin could be any child's pet Fluffy or Spot. This sweet, gentle, touching puppet tale honors the life and death of every dear pet. And helps a little one say "goodbye."
How can this be bad? The guinea pig's name is Mr. Muffin. It's most enjoyed by ages 2-5, and I just spell it 'i-n-j-o-y-e-d' and almost kept it. I won't let my fear of guinea pigs stand in my way. But seriously, they look nothing like pigs.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Click For [Insert World Issue]
Each hit on this website (once a day per computer) contributes 1.1 cups of food to the starving in 3rd world countries from the sponsors of the site. By clicking you can link to their 5 other issues that they're funding;
Breast Cancer (funds mammograms for women in need)
Child Health Care (funds health care for children in need),
Literacy (books to children to improve international literacy),
Rainforest Restoration (11.4 feet of rainforest protected),
and Animal Rescue (funds for food in animal shelters).
Its sweet, easy and you can feel good.
So go forth, and click.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
How To:
1. Jump out, still lathering shampoo.
2. Spray Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant Body Spray (more commonly known as 'boy in a spray can') on spider.
3. Hit confused and now contaminated spider with someone else's shampoo bottle.
4. Turn off the water and watch spider go down the drain.
5. Run water to make sure he's not a creeper.
6. Get back in, rinse.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
It's On The D.L.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
This Too, Shall Pass
*None of which are recognized by the Blogger spell check, but that's actually not very reliable...How does the Blogger spell check not recognize the word "blog"?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
From The Archives of "Notes"
"{Drinking Gatorade} I feel like I'm drinking liquid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!"
"Little People aren't even little anymore! They're like...Medium People"
"Last night I spent like 10 minutes looking at a lemon bar" {No context}
"I love pulling through [when in a parking lot], it's like having a baby!"
{After a conversation about the word 'probably'} "Crap, now I'm trying to look up the word 'probably' in the cookbook index instead of beef brisket"
Friday, April 07, 2006
2001*: A Flashback
Me: (answers)
Dad: Hey Pumpkin
Me: Hey
Dad: Sup?
Me: (snort)
*I realize that I have a knack/habit of dating things that are not in the present. Maybe that's my 'thing'. Do you suppose I might be able to do that professionally some day? "Wow..that is so 1997..". I like to keep my options boundary and duty-free.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Day 4: Spring Break '06
-Cloudy with a chance of Purple Rain
-Left over Pad Thai
Monday, April 03, 2006
Peter Pans Of The 21st Century
We went up late last night to turn off the heat, clean and inspect the damage. It was actually really, unsurprisingly clean, as they are quite the tidy bunch. The only evidence that they'd been there:
"Ernest Goes To Camp" was left in the DVD player.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Pizza Pizza.
Some acceptable generation gaps:
-Little Ceasar's Pizza
-Giant glasses
-The Juicy Fruit Gum Theme Song (?)
-Leave It To Beaver
But this is so far beyond that, it cannot be excused;
"Hey, does anybody know if John Lennon was in The Beatles?"
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Maybe not you're "necessary 38%" but c'mon. I stayed out of the world hot-spots, I ate a healthy breakfast AND lunch, and, thank you very much, am not HIV Positive.
You need 38.
I had 37.
I have nothing left to give, Memorial Blood Centers.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run out and buy Flinstones with Iron (As per Wendy PricksYourFinger's recommendation).
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sign This.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Exchanging Dora Jumpsuit For Business-Casual
Sadie: Hi.
Me: Hey Sadie! How are you?
Sadie: Good.
Me: Is it your mom's birthday today?
Sadie: Yes.
Me: What'd you get her?
Sadie: Nothing, the cake is our present.
Me: Ohhh! What kind of cake?
Sadie: Chocolate.
Me: Does it have frosting?
Sadie: Not yet. We haven't written anything yet.
Me: Oh you're going to write something on it?!
Sadie: Yes. I have to go now. Good bye. >Click<
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
A Question. (Answers Accepted Via Comments)
They are generally secret, or go through some sort of secret phase, and they aren't talked about unless its through a comment.
For the time being, I am indifferent about Fight Club status, but am still curious to know why its there.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Welcome To The Bubble
"Skipping class to go tanning"
"Why didn't you go to history today Jackie?"
"Because I had more important things to talk about than World War Two"
(Takes a sip of a Mango Naked Juice) "Ew Mango is reminds me of breakfast on spring break and makes me feel sick"
"Why do you chew?"
"It's convenient"
"Yeah, I can just like go to the bathroom and put some in and just...sit there during class, and spit it out in the toilet..I don't even need a water bottle or anything"
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Northern Girl
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Real Issue No. 253
They are not floppy.
And just once more...Floppy.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I Do Not Have The Bones Of An Idol, So Please Don't Dig Me Up
Sunday, March 12, 2006
You Know Its A Lazy Sunday Morning When...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Don't Judge What You Don't Know
I'm so happy I could throw up.
But I won't.
Because the water is boiling.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"Embrace It." "No."
Getting my ears cleaned.
Of all the things that could have run in my family genes, like perfectly tanned skin, wicked intelligence, or small feet, I get narrow ear canals. Who trumped God on this hand?
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I Love You Too, Marlboro.
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
Monday, March 06, 2006
If Anybody Wants To Talk About The Following, Please Let Me Know
2) The woman in the orange dress sitting with the Crash posse who freaked out whenever anything happened.
3) How sickeningly adorable Reese is
4) Why Brittany Murphy was there
5) A letter to Lindsay Lohan explaining that she should stop campaigning for a Steve Madden add
6) Why everybody wants to be Sandra Bullock's best friend except when people call her "Sandy"
7) A congratulatory letter to JLo for finding green
8) George Clooney in general
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Barbie Would Have Been Proud
Itinerary went as follows:
7:00- The night begins, 35 tweens fleet into the church decked in more pink than I ever care to see again.
7-8:30- Dressing up high school boys in old bridesmaid's dresses, putting Caboodles make up on them, and then holding a fashion show.
8:30-10:00- Various activities including small groups where time was spent discussing their recycled boyfriends, and the effectiveness of breaking up through a note or an instant message conversation.
10-11:00- Much text messaging, shrieking, screaming, nail painting, pizza-eating, and drinking 2 sips of a bottle of water, leaving it somewhere, then opening another.
11-12:30- "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"
12:30-2- "Raising Helen"
2:00- Sleep angel arrives for 35 exhausted girls.
2:00-7:00- Clean up, intermingled with an hour or so of sleep.
Good Night.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Let's Talk About The Real Issues
This was just heard from a TV in the background where some member of this family is mindlessly watching ER (Which, if you ask me, is kind of beating the dead horse--medical entertainment-ly speaking). This reminded me of sometime this weekend when we pondered how lucky we are that it rains water and not sand. What if all water was replaced by sand? What would happen to all of the lakes? Chew on that for a moment.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Reverse Psychology for Thursdays
1. When you go to the online Merriam Webster dictionary, you can ask them to say words which is both helpful, and fun.
2. Target
3. Arts & Crafts
4. Welch's Grape Juice
5. The new hair dryer which has orange accents, and both concentrator and diffuser attachments (I stress once again-- it's about the features)
6. The new(ish) Atmosphere CD
7. Updating the Pod, cleaning out those artists that you don't listen to
8. Almost all acrylic nail mistake residue is gone
9. The Electric Fetus
10. The wooden fish in the fireplace
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I Would Have Let Go
Monday, February 20, 2006
Good Morning
That was fun.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Home, Where My Thought's Escaping
Friday, February 17, 2006
I Have An Illness, Dr. Shepherd.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
It Just Never Gets Old
This calls for a celebratory wearing of the muffin shirt tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Best {Future} Celebrity Couple
May they have stress-related ulcers in each other's company.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Rx Crayola
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Broken Fax Machine
When did pomegranate juice start to be good?
Clearly I missed the memo.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
You're It.
1. Cookie chef for Sweet Martha's at the State Fair
2. Registration assistant at a Marketing Conference. "Here's your nametag, your workbook will be on your seat, and enjoy your stay at the Ritz Carlton Huntington"
3. Hoagy Master
4. Sister
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Almost Famous
2. Blow
3. Anchorman
4. Garden State
Four places I've lived:
1. I Have My Cake And Eat It Too, Minnesot-ah
2. My mother's uterus
3. Saturn
4. I'm a future residents of an ugly urn on someone's mantle. Hopefully that of somebody that I know and not someone who bought a pouch of me off of eBay.
Four TV shows I love:
1. Friends
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. The OC
4. Family Guy
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Pasadena, CA
2. NYC
3. Bonita Beach, FL
4. Leverkusen, Germany
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Cesar Salad
2. Chicken Chow Fun
3. Soft Shell Tacos from Taco Bell, which taste better when I eat them with Rick.
4. Crab Cakes from the Oceanaire
Four sites I visit daily: BlogSpot and I have yet to resolve our link/bold/italic disagreement, which explains the non-blue.
2. Various blogs
3. A list of picture sites
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. The cabin in the summer
2. The boat
3. The Frank household
4. Let's Cook
Four bloggers I am tagging:
1. Kate
2. Kris
3. Alex
4. Claire
Monday, February 06, 2006
"Attention Customers- Some Of Our Pitted Olives May Contain Pits"
First of all, I want to thank you for your excellent store and all of its products. Your stock is through the roof in free-range meat, happy cow cheese, and hair spray made from grass. Your environmentally conscience attitude is awesome, and the "samples every day, all the time" is unbeatable, with great selections such as last nights' grilled mahi mahi or chocolate covered nuts as opposed to the cold Pizza Rolls some elderly woman tried to serve me at Jerry's a couple of Sunday mornings ago.
I figured that such a great company would be open to suggestions, which I have only one. I was walking through the produce department of one of your stores last night and came to your olive bar. Now, I love black olives on my pizza, but personally don't see the appeal in an entire bar dedicated to upward of 15 different "olive breeds" if you will and am curious to know the demographic that you're appealing to. I thought, perhaps something such as a cereal or maybe organic fruit snack bar might be something to consider.
I hope that you'll take these suggestions into consideration, and to hear from you soon.
Thanks, and keep up the great work.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
A Birthday Wish
Yesterday, A friend got me a gift certificate to a nail salon for a birthday present. We went and I was going to just get a regular French manicure, but she convinced me (and by convinced I mean that I thought acrylic nails looked sweet and decided to do it) to get acrylics. I've never had fake nails other than the press on ones you get for $6 at Target, and let me tell you, You; you do not want to stray away from Sally Hanson, she is a good woman. I sat down and an Asian woman who spoke little English immediately decided that she hated me, and all my little fingers. She kept pulling them, flinging them, and ultimately testing their flexibility in too many ways. She took out an electric nail file and instead of shaping my nails, she went to town right on top of my nail, making it rough so that the gel would stick better. Now they ache and its hard to type, write, eat, and function in general. Okay fine, they look amazing, but so entirely not worth it. Happy Birthday nails, my you rest in peace upon my phalanges.
Friday, February 03, 2006
The Anatomy Of A Triscuit
1. Always bite horizontally with the Triscuit ridges. This prevents crumbling on to your lap, upon other snaking materials, or into milk.
2. Partial chewing is not acceptable. People, Triscuits are not Jell-O. You cannot just swallow at your leisure. You must fully chew the cracker. This takes anywhere from 40-50 chews.
3. Toppings are generally necessary for Triscuits, as they have a way of parching your mouth with a somewhat bland flavor, easily fixed by some mild cheddar.
4. When taking a bite, be absolutely sure that the salt granules are on the non-topping side (the bottom) so you're sure to get taste bud-salt contact. Their easily visible, and are only on one side, so if you can't find them, flip.
5. Always find a good beverage to accompany Triscuits. The cheese will dry up your mouth, especially if you follow step 4.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Accepted At Fine Retailers And Tennis Courts.
"Okay before ANY of you say ANYTHING the reason that I'm wearing sunglasses is because I got hit in the face with a tennis ball yesterday."
Fur Coat: $700
Tote: $375
Sunglasses: $150
Blonde Beauty with a Black Eye: Priceless
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
BFI v. Aspen
Monday, January 23, 2006
The [New] World According to Alex:
I have not seen it, but she's witty, so I share.
look, three big boats! im curious! hmm
i can see you through the tall grass... i love you
"come to me"
-grass, trees
ooh weve captured him. teach me english. i like your hair
i like your hair, lets be in love
oh no, smith died?! what now?
hello, lets get married. i still love smith, but youll do
wait... smith is alive?
lets go to england
look the queen
-gardens, baby
smith? i dont love you and your hair is greasy. plus you lied
oh no, im dying
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Proof: Black Cherry Vanilla Diet Coke.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Well She Just Walked Right Into That One...
Kris: Like a chuck?
Alex: What?
Kris: A chucky? Chruck?
Alex: What?
Kris: Like the puppet?
Alex: Chucky.
Kris: Aren't they the same?
Alex: What? Chucky and what?
Kris: What is inside of an egg? A baby chicken.
Alex: A chick?
Kris: Ohhh yes. Aren't they the same?
Alex: A chick and Chucky? Nooo.
Kris: Really?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Stop Hanging Out In Bars And Do Your HomeLink.
Jack: Well SOMETIMES you can be somewhere where other people are smoking cigs, and you're not!!!
Me: Yeah, and its really good to not succumb to such a disgusting habit, especially if you're surrounded by it.
Jack: But SOMETIMES you can be at a bowling alley and just come home smelling like it even if you DIDN'T SMOKE!
Em: Yeah, that's true, it can happen, and that unavoidable, but as long as you don't smoke...
Karwhen: What's marijuana?
Me: It's a drug.
Karwhen: I know it's a drug but what IS it?
Me: A plant.
Karwhen: I know it's a plant but what ISSSS it?
Em: Its an herrrrrbb.