Friday, March 24, 2006

Exchanging Dora Jumpsuit For Business-Casual

Why is it, that whenever we are talking to anyone under the age of 8, we adopt a higher pitched voice? Also, why does Sadie, age 4.5, have better speech than I, and without the little-person voice, she'd easily sound 5 years my senior?

Sadie: Hi.
Me: Hey Sadie! How are you?
Sadie: Good.
Me: Is it your mom's birthday today?
Sadie: Yes.
Me: What'd you get her?
Sadie: Nothing, the cake is our present.
Me: Ohhh! What kind of cake?
Sadie: Chocolate.
Me: Does it have frosting?
Sadie: Not yet. We haven't written anything yet.
Me: Oh you're going to write something on it?!
Sadie: Yes. I have to go now. Good bye. >Click<


katz said...

so true, muffin? so true!

Anonymous said...

How they humor us! Bless their souls.