Saturday, March 04, 2006

Barbie Would Have Been Proud

I spent the night last night as a chaperone for a group of 35 seventh and eighth grade girls for their "pink party" all-nighter lock-in at church.

Itinerary went as follows:

7:00- The night begins, 35 tweens fleet into the church decked in more pink than I ever care to see again.
7-8:30- Dressing up high school boys in old bridesmaid's dresses, putting Caboodles make up on them, and then holding a fashion show.
8:30-10:00- Various activities including small groups where time was spent discussing their recycled boyfriends, and the effectiveness of breaking up through a note or an instant message conversation.
10-11:00- Much text messaging, shrieking, screaming, nail painting, pizza-eating, and drinking 2 sips of a bottle of water, leaving it somewhere, then opening another.
11-12:30- "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"
12:30-2- "Raising Helen"
2:00- Sleep angel arrives for 35 exhausted girls.
2:00-7:00- Clean up, intermingled with an hour or so of sleep.

Good Night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tweens verily must be coseted-I can imagine no nobler ministry one enlightened such as yourself might undertake. Courage.