Saturday, June 24, 2006

Link Me Crazy, Juarez 2k6

Juarez was its usual self, poverty stricken and populated with happy people and kids you want to pack in your suitcase and stuff in the overhead compartment.
Two days were spent building a casa, we laid foundation with cement that did not come from a barrel-truck but from piles on the ground that we made from scratch. The other two were spent hosting a kids club for the surrounding area. I was a part of the arts and crafts group, my forte when the other options are songs and outdoor games for Club de Ninos (Cloob day Neen-yos). I came home with Bill my popsicle stick friend and the craft for the 5-7 year olds.
Bill likes not having a mouth, being in his Birthday Suit, and looking like a Vegas show girl.
There was less battery acid this time around, but more bloody noses (Nine of these in three days).

I'd like to thank the following sponsors that made this past week possible:
Kandoo Wipes
The Old Folk Patrons at St. Pats
Kleenex Corp.
Bag Cereal
Artificial Sleep
Mike the Christian bus driver that has seen the grace of God by speeding the whole night.
A man who is from the South but does not like to be called Southern and uses too many adjectives and adverbs to gather content from his words beyond the above.
The "if it's brown, flush it down" policy

1 comment:

katz said...

i miss you already girlfriend!