Thursday, August 03, 2006

Why I've Started Carrying Around A Full Sized Notebook

"Dibs on the one [Olson twin] that doesn't have anorexia"
"Good. I like Mary Kate better anyways."
"Yes! She has problems. That's quirky. It makes her more real."
"She's like, 'I'm not above everyone. I do crack. And that's fine.'"
"The other one's boring!! No problems! That's not real!"
"Didn't she go to college?"

Time Passes Here.

"Okay I have a confession to make. Sometimes I'm only funny so that I can be on your blog."
"I know."

1 comment:

that girl said...

my plan is ruined! my comedy on your blog was going to make me famous! I was going to be the next Jerry Seinfield or Ellen DeGenerous but now I am ruined. I truly know how Keith from Project Runway must feel. Hope the cabin is well monkey I think i might have mono ahh:( miss you!!