Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm About To Have A [Panic Attack] If You Don't Give Me Some Personal Space.

Smells I smelled at the Atmosphere concert last night:
-Shaving Cream
-Tommy Hilfiger Cologne
-Corn Cob Litter. We used to put this in my rabbit's litter box. Memories of him are usually more nostalgic and don't make overpriced lemonade rise in my throat.
-B.O. Which I have gotten sort of attached to just calling "bo". I was unsure about this concert in the first place because I feel like everytime I go to concerts, they always play the songs I don't know, and then I'm only 1/2 the fan as the smelly guy next to me. With the catchy beats, the majority of the standing crowd audience had one or both of their arms in the air waving to the beat, and in all the arm-raising-beat-catching, it fanned all the bo directly outward. Before I knew it, it was like standing in a room filled with middle school kids.

Aside from slight claustrophobia invasions, stupid convenience charges*, and the unnecessary three opening acts, it was a success and I knew most of the songs.

*I would call it convenient if someone gave me 10 bucks for no reason too.


that girl said...

wait someone gave you ten bucks for no reason? or was that a hypothetical ten bucks?!

Sriracha said...

I'm guessing that was Ticketmaster. And they didn't give it; they took it.