Thursday, December 08, 2005

The 3 Most Frightening Moments In The Past 24 Hours

1. After turning off my lamp last night, the glowing head of a bear was floating in the corner of my room. After seeing my entire life flash before my eyes, I realized it was the DoodleBear I got Sadie for Christmas. (Let me bring you back to 1993ish if you don't remember DoodleBear. Its a stuffed animal bear that you draw on. The old commercial was a revamp on a James Brown song. Since then, apparently they glow in the dark.) Does that make it less creepy? Absolutely not.

2. I saw a Hormel Chili commercial who's slogan was "Hormel Chili...Goes On Everything". It involved the everyday food of towns people miraculously changing into a can of Hormel Chili with Beans.
Dear Hormel Inc.-
Your chili doesn't go with everything.
Love, Me.

3. Mom was sifting through some old files on her computer and stumbled upon a memory or two. To be more specific, a recording of Steven and I making fart noises at ages four and five. After a few solid laughs, she informed us that we actually formatted the recording to play when she closed a specific file and she happened to close that file for the first time while on the phone with a client.

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