Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Reading between the lines

"You can lean on long time friends in the coming week".
That was my fortune after a buffet feast last Saturday afternoon. If they were trying to be honest about this "fortune", then I would prefer it just say "In the coming week, your days will be shitty, but on the bright side, you have some friends who you've known awhile and probably they'll be around during the shit days.". Because isn't that really what that fortune is saying?

When everyone inside the gates of the collegeplace is sick, you're bound to come down with something eventually. So I bought a nice hot cup of Earl Grey to soothe my itchy esophagus Monday afternoon and sat down to waste time at my little MacBook. After a nice long chat with Rob at the Apple helpline, apparently my warranty does not insure clumsiness when I knock the tea onto the left hand home-row. (I drew a Sharpie reenactment, but you should not buy an HP all-in-one printer/scanner because it will not work ever.) MacBook recovered after 24 hours in tent-formation, but I'm still trying to work out the bugs and am doing some preemptive hard drive back up, including hard copies of all my recent music purchases. This would totally be a more daunting task if I didn't get some sort of sick joy out of alphabetizing my music collection.

After many tears, a Target run that ended in more tears, another desperate call to the Apple helpline and a scolding from the campus computer man who has bad advice, I got some bad news from The Future President of Africa, followed by more sickness. Finally when I was going to go see the recent renovations on the house in preparation for selling it (cue: more tears), we got a flat tire on the least accessible campus ever and rode in a giant truck with a strange man who I had some feeling Mother was trying to set me up with. And here I sit at the tire repair place that is a wi-fi hot spot waiting for the car to be better.

I will take those leaning-friends now, please.


sponge said...

horoscopes are some sort of evil, aren't they?

Sriracha said...

Consider me a brick wall of emotional sturdiness. Here to help.