Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hocus Pokey

The past two days have been filled with your 4 basic food groups:
  1. Grilled Cheese
  2. Chinese Food
  3. Apple Jacks
  4. Tepid Tap Water
Two notables:

What's in that cabinet?
That one?
Tiny wine glasses.
That one?
Ferrets are creepy.
Yeah, well, my family is creepy.

Scene: Waiting room at the pediatrician's office to make sure The Future President of Africa is a healthy leader for her people.
Poke on ankle
I think there is a child under my chair.
I look under my seat
There is for sure a child under my chair.
What? No there's not. You're making that up. Funny.
Poke. PokePoke.
It's poking me.
She looks.
Oh my god. There is a child under your seat. Wow.
She is summoned by the lady with the cotton swab; embarrassed family comes to recruit child. PokePokePokePoke.
I'm Anders Killian.
Nice to meet you Anders Killian. Have a nice day, I hope you're not sick.

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