Saturday, February 23, 2008

Collectors of Chuck Taylors and ash trays

Nothing miffs me like young people smoking. People smoking in general is not acceptable, but at least for the eldest generations they started when everyone was telling them that cigarettes were delicious. There is no reason for young people today to start smoking. Particularly in a generation that is trying to make Uncool the new Cool by flattering the world with all of our intelligence and wit. I think we've come to a new low of hypocrisy when smoking is so bad for you that it's cool to do things that are stupid again. Because it's "Scene". And nothing matches my orange asymmetrical haircut like a blazing death stick.

"I'm like, so into smoking right now"
"Yeah, me too! It's so weird."
"Yeah, I just like, want to be smoking cigarettes all the time lately"
"I know...I'm just like, really into it."
"Haha I know it's like I'm getting addicted or something."
"HA! I know! Funny. Us. Addicted to cigarettes. "

"Do you smoke cigarettes? [waves a dollar at me]"
"Um. No. I value my lungs."
"Me too."
"Really, you do?"
"Oh yeah! I mean, I smoked for a long time. And I've been clean for a while now."
"And now you want a cigarette?"
"Yeah, just one though. I mean, it's been 40 days."
"So why now?"
"Well I had one earlier tonight. BUT IT'S JUST TONIGHT!"
"No, seriously. I'm only having two tonight."
"Right. Just two."
"No! I am!"
"Sure. What's your name?"
"Okay Blake. Have a pleasant evening. Good luck with the lung function."
"No! Wait...!"

1 comment:

sandwich lady said...

i don't get the dollar wave, was he gonna pay you for a correct answer?? very strange things happen at all girls schools...