Thursday, November 29, 2007

Censored. For your protection.

On second thought, instead of San Francisco, I think I'll go to NYC.
I need a moral detox after tonight's debates. Because as far as I'm concerned, I don't particularly care how many guns Ron Paul owns or what Huckabee thinks Jesus would do when it comes to the death penalty.
Questions I would have asked if I fully understood YouTube:
  1. Yes, this is a question for Rudy. I was wondering if you tie your sneakers loop-swoop-pull or bunny ears style?
  2. Rudy, I wonder, do you make your hair do that on purpose? Maybe you should take advice from Mitt. He has very nice hair.
  3. Fred, has anyone ever told you how remarkable your resemblance to a turtle is? Fred? Oh Jesus. Someone call an ambulance.
Back on Monday.


sponge said...

fabulous post. as usual. i miss you dear :(
my new myspace pic has the piercing in it haha if u feel like seeing it. and id like to think im hardcore, but im still pretty much the same, just have an extra hole. go figure haha..
can't wait to see you!

sandwich lady said...

huckabee, i wish i was a serious enough person not to giggle everytime i hear that name, huckabee :)

play nice in nyc and make good choices!