Monday, October 22, 2007

Camp was fine, Mom.

Home from camp.
I brought home much less sleep than I remember leaving with and also a sickness. I have since slept most of the day away. I also threw away a ceramic bowl and a perfectly good, unwrapped Kit-Kat bar shortly after I spilled scalding hot coffee all over my pants. Which were on my body. Which I had just showered.
And because I left my dignity at the government job fair today, I didn't hesitate to retrieve said items from the trash with bare hands.
In my defense, the Kit-Kat was in my own trash can with my own trash and not in the cafeteria trash can that I dropped the bowl in. And I did not eat the bowl. Is that less gross?


that girl said...

i really enjoyed that you clarified that your pants were on your body because often times i find myself, my body, without is strange.

a-rod :) said...

hi! i found your blog! yay! i'm sorry you spilled coffee on your pants :(
love you lots!

p.s. i miss you already! and i miss mint-mocha creamers ;)

Manute Njorge said...

all I can say is: I love you, straight up, I love you

whitney! said...

um, do you usually shower your pants? just wondering :)