Monday, August 27, 2007

Some call it asocial, I call it independent

True, I was granted my request to live alone next year.
True, I am excited for this.
Also true, is the main reason I am avoiding the roommate situation- because I just like quiet and random roommate matching generally flirts with the chance of getting a roommate like Betty's who is passionate about Disney princesses, or any of the other classic bad roommate lotteries (see: musical-lovers, Ozzy-lovers, life-haters, snorers, sleep-through-alarmers, breathers...).
So my solution was to get my own roommate, one that I hand select. And I decided on the smallest beta fish you ever saw who resides in a coffee jar. Although he doesn't snore, I do suspect he may have a festering love for Ozzy.
However, all of this is null if I take a house/teenager sitting job and am away for five days before I remember I have a fish*.

*He lived, so I should probably name him.
Names which I am considering: Bean, Bean II, French Roast, Coffee Cup, Ham, Steve Perry. Votes and suggestions taken via comments.


that girl said...

i think that nothing pays homage better to the late great steve perry than being reincarnated in the form of a beta fish....and i like tuesday

Anonymous said...

Definately Ham. That's amazing.

Sriracha said...

Just so we're all clear, the real Steve Perry is still alive. Unless you consider his departure from Journey a "death."

Sriracha said...

I like "Ham." A lot. And he could becomes one of a series. The next pet: "Cheese." After that, it's up to you where you want to take this sandwich; "English Muffin" or "Biscuit" or "Napkin."
I mean, that's four pets right there.

whitney! said...

i like coffee cup!