Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Na Na Na Nananana....

If there were an award to be granted to the most rad woman over 55, it would go to my mother's friend Jude. She is in visiting from L.A., but reigns from New York. When my mother was in her twenties, after she'd met Pop, and she figured she'd been working for her parents a bit too long, they went on a whim to NYC and pitched camp there for almost ten years. Basically living what I imagine many people consider throughout their twenties.
Jude is one of the characters they collected on the way. These characters tend to resurface now that us kids are grown and can distinguish the syllables from their thick accents and know when to stop laughing at their inappropriate jokes. Jude wears black Chuck Taylors and Ray-Bans, carries a vintage duffel bag, and brings each end of a sentence up as if it were a question.
The result of someone who has spent a significant amount of time living in both L.A. and New York City is they pretend to care about stuff for the first five minutes of anything, and eventually result in unadulterated questions like "I don't care what we see or do or anything. Well, maybe that Mary Tyler Moore thing" or trying to get the dog to stop barking- "Tiillla! Tiilla! Shhh!" [Continual Barking] "SHUT UP!".
Or some of the general responses. Just insert a conversational topic to any of the following examples:
  1. "Those tomatoes are FAB-U-LESS!!!",
  2. "Oh God, Chicago. Wonderful, wonderful",
  3. "Kentucky- God. Wake. Me. Up. When. It's. Over",
  4. "People in L.A. love their ranch dressing. I just don't get it. L.A. isn't even a city. New York- there's a city."

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