Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Own Little Swiss Miss(ter)

Last night I took a vacation from my element and saw the midnight showing of Superbad, only to realize that I'd already seen it. Except I saw it when it was called "American Pie". The only difference is that generation is way too cool for jocks. In fact, this generation is so cool that they're uncool. Striped old man Penguin brand shirts, plaid slacks and bowling shoes are in. Smart kids in sweaters are the new cool, and the more plastic that is on your glasses, the better. I found this shirt the other day that seems to epitomize this generation.
Anywho. After the movie, at a 2:30 lull, we all pulled ourselves together to say good bye to Pascal who is venturing home to the Land of Really, Really Good Chocolate. Or Switzerland if you want to be an ass about it. I went in for the hug and said something awkward like "Aw, see you later man..." and he replied, in complete discomfort and that glorious accent, "Aw, see you later....girl."

1 comment:

sponge said...

i can just picture him saying that.... oh man.... haha. and that shirt is priceless, thank you for introducing me to threadless :)