Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fewer Giraffes, Just as Epic

I did it.
I saw 300. I saw it despite my disappointment when every time I saw the previews on TV I thought it was called "Zoo".
I saw it despite my fear of violence and things that do not involve Hugh Grant. And I liked it.
I like the story where the little guys beat the odds, and do it with cases instead of six packs on their chests, shoe scrappers on their heads, and capes.
Always more capes, I say.
And also because they call it "crimson" instead of "red", fueling my undying love for descriptive colors.
The role of the Queen was fantastic, and you know what? It is more about the ILoveYou's and less about the city lines and water supply and death. We just needed another epic film to remind us of that.
So I'm just taking this opportunity to profess my love for you, InterWeb.
I love you. And I would take three hundred of my best men to fight for you in capes.

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