Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Live A Good Life Because In Hell, I Am Forced To Host Parties

Number of:

Old people who said, "I didn't even recognize you! I haven't seen you since...Oh Lordy! I can't even...": 4
Times I hid from people: 6
Stress-related meltdowns: 1
Crock-Pots: 7
Crock-Pots with uncooked beans which were still served and eaten: 1
Times someone asked if the stress-rash was sunburn: 2
Cousins I have who I can't remember if her name is Emily or Ellie: 1
Times I heard this conversation from a 6, 9, and 10 year old sibling set:
6: I'm a jedi master.
9: My name is Carly.
10: What animal do I look like?
6: A giant eyeball.
10: A lemur? Say lemur!
6: I look like a jedi master.
9: You look like an eyeball.
Enough to make my head pound.

1 comment:

that girl said...

but going through this entire experience with your best friend by your side eating her way through an entire sheet cake and sweating like the dickins...priceless!