Sunday, October 02, 2005

JC Penney and other guilty pleasures...

So last year for a dance, my sister wanted to buy my dress because the dance happened to fall on my birthday. After much failed shopping, we resorted to JC Penney. The store where no employee speaks English, and every employee apparently smokes (because why else would it smell THAT bad?). After finding a dress that I thought would work and buying it, I got home to try it on and it didn't fit the way I wanted it to, so I go on back to edina's ash tray to return it, and sure enough, since I don't have Chris's credit card, they can only grant me a JC Penney gift card. That's right. $80 to a store that carries only Mudd jeans and SouthPole baseball jackets. You might as well have given me 40 pounds of human hair.
...or so I thought.
After several unsuccessful visits to get rid of the card, I found myself actually finding things I liked. Skirts for Europe, a hot pink polo, and this blue shirt which served as the womb of my muffin shirt. And the best part is, their clothes are so dirt cheap that they only make a small dent in the card..And if the clothes get demolished for whatever reason, you don't feel that bad because 'it was just from JC Penney'.
Then I got this hideous green shirt that I thought had hope to be reconstructed into something cool, but its just too ugly. But when I went to retrieve the receipt, it was gone. So when I went to southdale, I asked the nice JC Penney lady if you had to have a receipt to return things, and she said no, but if you didn't, they could only give you a, (drum roll please)
gift card.

life is beautiful, even if a percent of my wardrobe is St. Johns Bay.

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