These are peas.
They are bright, beautiful, bold, green peas. And you know what? I don't like peas. I had them for dinner tonight, and everytime my mom asks if I want peas (completely beside the point that she'll give them to me regardless of what I tell her) I say yes, thinking that maybe this time, I will like them. But no, I won't. I've decided that its when you pop one pea in your mouth and split that...Pea-skin, if you will, that makes me want to like them so bad. So tonight, I take a nice full spoonful of them, with such a huge anticipation that today will be the day that I will eat them, and like them. And its not. Once again. Then, after that first bite, I just think; "hey maybe that first bite was just a bad one.." So I have another, and another. Until their gone- thoroughly disappointed in each and everyone of them.
4:00 pm-
mom: hey you ate all of your peas!
me: [disgruntled tone] psh..yes.
mom: want to take a picture so you can show all the internet people that you ate them?
me: no mom.
1 comment:
...wishing you a little more love, joy & peas~it's not that tricky! ps. have you tried whirrled peas?
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