Monday, May 26, 2008

Eventually I will store term papers in atoms.

I spent the last two hours of my life going through cabinets of old information from twelve years of my mother running her own business. The end result was disposal of 23 pounds of floppy disks, ZIP drives, and the ever-popular SyQuest. They all had at least some information on them, if not full.

After thinking about it, I can say pretty confidently that all of the information could be compiled and stored onto an iPod Nano, weighing in at .55 ounce.
And that is awesome.

I also found "Installation disk one for INTERNET". And the all-caps is no exaggeration; it's in bold-face, 18 pt. font on the 3.5" Floppy A.
No, you can't have it. It's mine.

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