Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"David is anxious for you to look at our blog and see how funny he is."

You may remember this funny fellow and Alexandra as the costar of this encounter. You may want to take a moment now to add their blog to your list of CheckMeDailys. They have the funny. (Did you hear that DavidLemon? You have the funny!)

Their RSS SnapShot feed of my blog brings up the following topics as a summary of YKTSTSM?:
  • Throat Cancer
  • iPod Nano
  • Spanish Food
  • Scissors
  • Tapas
  • Muffin
And all I can see is an online dating profile; "Enjoys tea, The Decemberists, and conversation regarding muffins, throat cancer, iPod Nanos...".
And I'm watching the hit counter, sipping Earl Grey. Yessss.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Eventually I will store term papers in atoms.

I spent the last two hours of my life going through cabinets of old information from twelve years of my mother running her own business. The end result was disposal of 23 pounds of floppy disks, ZIP drives, and the ever-popular SyQuest. They all had at least some information on them, if not full.

After thinking about it, I can say pretty confidently that all of the information could be compiled and stored onto an iPod Nano, weighing in at .55 ounce.
And that is awesome.

I also found "Installation disk one for INTERNET". And the all-caps is no exaggeration; it's in bold-face, 18 pt. font on the 3.5" Floppy A.
No, you can't have it. It's mine.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mum's the word

This nugget came from the mouth of the mother I was terrified to meet, over several hours of bridge and a bag of Cheetos:

"What are you guys talking about?"
"Oh, Mom was just telling me about a particularly unfortunate looking girl I went to high school with who is pregnant."
"Well, you know what they say, you don't look at the mantle piece when you're stoking the fire."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Underwater Blog

Yes, I recognize I have spiraled downward into an oblivion of not blogging. Apologies. But here's to hoping that you are all fish and will respond quite well to this shiny nugget of a link.
Yes, maybe it could be "offensive". Or maybe you could not muffle your laughter and just let it out. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Give it a bear hug and kiss it on the cheek.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The last to know.

"Yep so Grandma and Grandpa came over last night and helped with the house and then they took us out to dinner. Oh! And your dad doesn't have throat cancer!"
"Dad. He has a strained vocal cord. Not throat cancer."
"I didn't know we were worried..."
"Well. We were very concerned."

Monday, May 05, 2008

Working on my annunciation

"So how was the show?"
"Ridiculous. As expected."
"Ha. Was it downtown?"
"Yeah, we were all dressed up and ate downtown and stuff. It was quite an evening."
"Cool. Where'd you eat?"
"Solera. It's this really great Spanish tapas bar right by the Orpheum."
"You said you went with your brother, right?"
"Wow...wasn't that awkward?"
"Dude, she said tapas, not topless. It's like little Spanish appetizers."

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Taking the class up a notch. Sort of.

Steven called yesterday afternoon to see if my plans for the evening could be seeing Jesus Christ Superstar at the Orpheum with him. There was no hesitation.

We planned to have dinner downtown beforehand, so we parked and meandered around awhile looking for somewhere that made reservations for us on a Friday night at 6:30. I decided to push for Solera, because who doesn't love lots of tiny portions of Spanish food?

"Hey what about Solera? It's right next to the theater."
"What is it?"
"A tapas bar."
"Yeah, it's amazing."
"No shit."
"Yeah, I've been there a few times. Probably we can sit in the bar without a reservation."
"Wow, I mean, it looks nice from out here...I wouldn't expect a place like that to be a topless bar."
"Tapas. T-A-P-A-S."

Friday, May 02, 2008


"Okay, the fight can be over now."

Totally not for lack of better things to blog about.

"We're not fighting anymore, David."
"I wanna be on the blog."
"David, you have to say something blogworthy first."
"Pretty much every other sentence that comes out of my mouth is blogworthy."