Sunday, March 02, 2008

Where he lacks in vowels he makes up for in wicked good looks and dimples

Dan: What's your blog name?
Me: Umm...what?
Dan: Your blog?
Me: Yes...what about it?
Dan: Where is it?
Me: Oh. Okay do you have a pen?
Dan: No. But I have a computer.
Me: Okay. It's banana loaf dot blog spot dot com.
Dan: It doesn't exist.
Me: Yes it does. b-a-n-a-n-a l-o-a-f. All one word.
Dan: OH! There it is.
Me: What'd you spell wrong?
Dan: Loaf.
Me: ?
Dan: L-o-f.

1 comment:

that girl said...

you don't need to be smart when your that ridiculously good looking...its just science! i miss you both a whole lot!