Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maybe I'll be Beyoncé.

I only wear my red suede boots for special occasions. Okay, until today I only wore my red suede boots on Thursday nights at the Townhouse which was always a special occasion because drag queens sang and danced with us to Beyoncé. I wore them today because it was Thursday and because tomorrow is my Captain's 21st birthday which she will be spending sweating in Ghana instead of consuming her body weight in burgers and Blue Moon at the Nook where we all should be on the celebrated day.
But who's to say that I will not wear them again tomorrow when I skip collegetown to Indianapolis for Halloween weekend. I like to go out with college kids, but after having spent 2 years at GirlLand where Friday nights were spent extracting ourselves from campus, searching town for any remnants of Fun and giving up at 11:30 for Rachel Maddow reruns on CNBC, it can be somewhat overwhelming to turn in at 11:30 only to have Fun knock on your bedroom door, pull you from your cozy, dress you and force you to spend time with it until dawn.
At GirlLand on Halloween, Highland Park kidlets came to gather treats at the residence halls. Here there is a party on the campus farm which the school has provided shuttles to and from until the wee hours as a "safety procaution". The farm is a ten minute walk. Tops.
So to the big city I go. Where The Future President of Africa and I will hand out fun-sized candy, I will force my post-surgical left foot back into the red boots, and hope that at some point in the future, it will forgive me.

1 comment:

jtholden said...

I want a nook burger almost as much as I want to see your face.