Okay. I've been here eleven days. Here's the breakdown, Interwebz:
On Learning:
All classes have been solid. That is why I came to this place. I have an International Relations prof that spent 30 years as an international diplomat for the U.K. and has a law degree from Cambridge. You know what that means? "Duty" in a British accent. One peace studies professor and everything that implies ("What language do you dream in?"), one shy bunny econ prof, and a timid but totally lovable English professor who loves Gary Snyder. Except for when that last one assigned 80 pages of reading for the weekend and apologized that it was such a light load. Oh, hey college. Why are we friends again?
The Digs:
Loving the single. Finally found appropriate storage for headbands (upside-down fedora) and the Sharpies and photographic adventures from the summer have all found their home in this little room. I have one picture on my phone of when the bed is made and things are orderly-ish for my cluttered but cozy lifestyle. It will come to you via text message upon request.
The Peeps:
Apparently there are only 700 people on campus this year. That means just over my high school graduating class in which every third or fourth person sports some form of ironic eye wear, drinks herbal tea, doesn't believe in religion, has a strong opinion between Sigg, CamelBack and Nalgene, and thinks PBR is a trendy beer. And most are a pretty good time. There are more social things here than I know what to do with. Captain and I used to get weird looks from people when we sat on the Quad at GirlLand, and heaven forbid throw a frisbee around or lay down on the grass in the 80 degree May sun. Here there is never a calm moment on the Heart (EarthLand's version of a quad. They're Quakers. It's funny.). A few nights ago a saxophone player soft-yazzed me to sleep while random guitarists, procussionists and vocalists joined him throughout the night. The Quad was a mostly deserted grassy place whose purpose was a gateway to classes. The Heart is intimidating to walk through 23 hours a day because activity is leaking at the seams.
Those are the basics. I'm still an awkward transfer student with a boot cast. My first impression is still poor. I still have a dinosaur pillow case and live in a single. And only one of those things is going to change this week (!!!).
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ahh!! suspense!! what's changing this week?!
p.s. i want the picture text.
I demand a re-do of my college years with soft yazz to lull me into dreams.
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