Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spontaneity is my name, hard to spell is my game.

Wait, scratch that last part. Sort of.
I took a spontaneous trip to Indiana this weekend on a mission to surprise The Girl Who Has To Pee and was totally successful. I threw pebbles at her bedroom window and yielded great surprised-face results. Hating surprises is totally a one-way street for me. Giving is WAY different than getting.
Anyway, I checked out the stomping grounds while I was there and I have, apparently, been incredibly misinformed of Indiana's climate. It was 75-80 degrees and sunny the entire time I was there and my flight home was delayed due to rainstorms in Minneapolis. Very suspicious.
I also had a very pleasant run-in with Ohio, where I'd never been before. And thankfully The Future President of Africa knows that I like to know when I've crossed state lines. Blog, sometime remind me to tell you about the time I was in Washington and didn't even know it until I was on a very crowded lazy river at a pool and capsized my tube when I saw the Washington flag. Actually that's kind of the whole story. Me. Swimsuit. Shouting. Splash. Whining.

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