Monday, December 15, 2008

A week without classes?! Underrated!

It is finals week. A week that every room that every college student walks into must have a giant sign over it that says, "Complaint Department". They are consistent emitters of whine about how nobody could possibly understand just how much they have been studying, or studying they have to do. Nobody has as many projects due, or papers to write, or hundreds of thousands of full notebooks to memorize. There is no possible way that you, fellow college student, could understand.

So, Kelsey Roommate and I look at the outside of our door, make sure there is no sign other than "Keep Off The Grass" and slam it in every whiny, over-stressed, under-slept, ugly-print-polyester-pajama-pants-wearing girl that knocks on our door. Then we open it again and offer them a cup of hot chocolate and a spot on the amoeba couch to watch the blizzard outside. No thinking about homework and tests is allowed during blizzard and hot chocolate time so we can all just take twenty freaking minutes and appreciate that we're in college.
And that that's awesome.

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