Saturday, July 19, 2008

A La Keruac

I am on the road.
Or, er, I was on the road. Will, Kate and I ventured through Fargo (I'd never been!), across North Dakota and across Eastern Montana which is much less boring than people make it out to be. We paused in Western Montana- Glacier National Park and Kalispell to be exact, to rest, eat homemade mac and cheese and lose Kate before crossing over to Idaho. And here I sit. Nestled in rolling prairies and mountains.
And mountain air smells like candy.

Potato Count: 0
Times slept through Fargo: 1
Times started On The Road: 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and don't you love mountains? and kerouac?

kerouac's beckoning with open arms
and roads of eucalyptus
westward bound