Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ten Things

Things that make the the last two weeks of class easier:
  1. Pictures of summer
  2. Bundled children
  3. Warm beverages. I'm currently trying to perfect my mocha hot chocolate recipe.
  4. Pandora Christmas stations
  5. Online Christmas shopping to minimize outdoor contact
Things that make it much more difficult:
  1. Alarm clocks
  2. Self-bundling followed by overheated buildings. I stress: we do not need to over compensate, people. I'm a huge proponent of the overheated vestibule technique that feels like a full-body blow dryer followed by entering a normal-warmth building.
  3. Leather car seats. These are a stupid purchase, I don't care what you say. Fabric car seats stay the same temperature the whole year round and cost less. What are you people thinking?
  4. So dark. So early. My body has a rule: If it's dark, you should be sleeping.
  5. Trying to decide if my new Sweeney Todd poster is more scary than it is cool.

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