Thursday, May 03, 2007

Coping Mechanism: Hate Mail

Dear Grey's Anatomy-

Your story lines have gotten drier than a bowl of shredded wheat sans milk.
Tonight's two hour "event" was an event which I spent the entire time wishing that I had showered and that had better things to do than argue with Small Terrier about space on the couch.

Get a life,

-Planet Earth


foodie anonymous said...

you just posted a comment to a tv show. Ya, they're the ones that need a life....

that girl said...

well i would personally like those 2 hours back please...

Sriracha said...

Dear Planet Earth,
You sound angry. You should talk to Muffin because it sounds like she had a very loving and peace-filled experience at a religious event.
I'm sure she's got some goodness to share.
P.S. May I also suggest not watching this show anymore? I gave up on it after they killed off Denny. Myopic jerks.