Thursday, January 11, 2007

Project Milk

  • It is quaint to have your milk delivered every Monday morning: True.
  • Every time I think about John, our former milk man who moved up to Corporate, I smile: True.
  • Every time we get a note from Gary, the new milkman, just a novice in the world of dairy delivery, I think of his potential and smile as well: True.
  • It is realistic for a three person household to have six gallons of milk in the house at one point in time, and expect it to not go to waste: False.

I'm working on a technology that allows me to pump milk through the monitor, into cyberspace, and straight to you, Mister Interweb Surfer, lest I first turn into a complete solid of 1000% bone density.

1 comment:

that girl said...

your cholesterol is 326...your practically a solid!