Thursday, November 16, 2006

Okay, Seriously.

Or at least as serious as one, myself included, can get while blogging.
What do you say when this happens:

Boy 1: "Hey Ms. T...Is Santa real?"
Boy 2: "No, the real Santa is dead."
Girl: "Santa IS real!!"
6 big eyes stare at me in anticipation.

I search for non-religious-in-a-public-school answer.
Then walk away.

1 comment:

sponge said...

ahhaha that is a tricky situation. from your posts it sounds like these kids have really lying, manipulative parents. *

*maybe thats what parenting is, im really not sure.

anyway i have a lot of repsect for your job. the future of the next generation lies within your hands, and i think its gonna be okay.